Monday, August 01, 2005

I went to the grocery store on Thursday and there were great deals on meat everywhere. Greg has to have meat at dinner because of the protein. I never ate much meat at night before we met, because I never wanted to cook it, and frankly, working for a museum just didn't pay me enough to eat meat all the time.

So, I snapped up all these meat specials and brought them home to freeze. Last night I took out a beautiful pork tenderloin to cook, but decided that we weren't going to eat all of it, so I cleaved it into thirds and then made pork medallions with what we were going to eat. I then ground fresh pepper over all of them, and marinated in a mixture of fresh leeks, red wine, soy sauce and white pepper. I sauteed the mixture in butter and olive oil and added baby asparagus on top to just steam until done.

When ready, I took out the meat and the vegetables and then added a bit more butter, flour and redwine to make a very colorful sauce for the top of the meat . It was pretty good.

Money saving tip at the grocery store:

In this day and age of really expensive cold cuts, I have decided that the sliced turkey one gets at the deli counter for $6.99 a pound, just isn't worth it. Instead, I try to get a fresh turkey breast in the meat section of the deli, doctor it up with fresh herbs and spices, whatever you like, and then roast it in the morning before lunch. We get a good three days worth of meat out of it and then I can use the carcass to make broth from. Its a much more economical way to serve lunch. I just bought a 6 lb turkey brest for $1.49 a pound and it isn't processed, doesn't have as much water injected into it as the pressed turkey you get at the deli counter and it is much healthier for you.

Hey all, here is a recipe that had everyone cheering with their mouths full at dinner the other night...that is between gulps of water to put the fires out in their mouths! Every once in a while we have taco nights with homemade filling, refried beans, corn or whole wheat tortillas, cheese and fresh tomatos. Its easy and fun and entertaining. A meal that one can make with the kids or friends gathered in the kitchen. Everyone gets to help chop and such.

Greg wanted tacos the other night, but I didn't have ground beef or chicken ready to go. Decided that we could try Sausage tacos! I had a roll of ground hot sausage that I browned and doctored up a bit...I tell you it was an instant success.

1 lb of hot ground sausage
medium chopped onion
either a package of taco seasonings or:
dashes of ground red pepper, chili powder, couple of fresh cloves of garlic, salt and pepper cilantro, etc.
chopped tomato
chopped lettuce if desired
grated cheese...we use whats on hand, usually a brick of chedder
heated refried beans

Put it all together and have fun!
